Monday, June 25, 2012

Poor, Poor Preppers

When the SHTF and you realize you don't have $70,000 in supplies because you spent the last decade in a screwed economy that sucked you dry....what to do???

"OMG don't steal that loaf of bread, it's sooo wrong!!!"

Unlike the S.O.B. sitting in a $100,000 bunker on 20 years of goods ready to blow the top of your head off with his $5000 sniper rifle as soon as you step in his zone because you want to feed your baby. Folks will have to do what they have to.
They have no other choice in the matter.

For those who have spent bucks on their survival, the have-not's or (non-preppers) are already assumed the enemy. If you have not been blessed by the grace of the BIG BENJAMIN's, that's fine. When hell breaks loose, all bet's are off. Game on.....NO SHAME!!!

To the "poor preppers", remember some have already decided that they and there people will survive at all cost. Even if it's with lethal force. You may be forced to the same conclusion. The only difference is you will be forced to that conclusion. The "Good Preppers" premeditated that conclusion. Now who's the righteous prepper now????


  1. So are you prepping for your family or prepping to be a killing theif to take what you did'nt prepare for. Oh I understand that when the shtf occurs that people, good people will do what they have to do but my goal is to take care of myself and mine without killing anybody. Thats why its called prepping. I'm not rich but have put my money towards prepping insteade of video games and other crap that serves little use to me. I served in the army not a elite killing unit but picked up a couple of things while I was there as far as fighting, shooting, and defense, and attacking. And I try to learn some things that are useful during the shtf. I guess what i;m getting at is my plan is not to take from others but try to make it on my own as long as I can. But lets face it I'm not ruling out anything when it comes to my family if things were to get to bad.

    1. Sir, I am the culprit that authored this post but please permit me to my point in all my posts. I am extremely pro-prepper, I completely agree with what to you are doing for your family as well as your perspective. It sounds like you are a man of reason and actuality that is my goal.
      Each post challenges the medias recent fictional view of the human situation during social disruption. In recent programs I have seen the people “outside” were “marauders- barbarians-bandits”. History say’s that in those situations the potential is there for bad intent and always use caution but sometimes the folks approaching are just people. In contrast if you were forced to bug out and was approaching a camp caution always and hopefully you would not be deemed a target simply because of stereotype.
      The media has brought “Hollywood” to prepping with unrealistic concepts and perspective. These unrealistic ideas are misleading and leave out human physiology, history and basic tactical concepts. I to was in the military and I am sure you appreciate my belief that both our greatest weapon and tool is between our ears. I feel Hollywood’s hunger for ratings and advertising dollars will endanger new unwitting preppers with bad perspectives.


    2. Great reply! As I read your post and was writing mine I was wondering if I bugged out how would I approach a house for directions, ect. First thought was in my underwear with a white flag lol. But then I thought maybe if they seen a family they would be more apted to help.
      You know you read these post and books were the family, white flag is just a tactic for a probe or diversion. I guess I would have to be really desperate to ask for any kind of help. I worry about the marauders and barbarians but I think that at first we would see more of the average Joe just trying to steal a little food for his family and he would get ugly if he had to. Thanks for the intellegent quick reply melungeon I learned about EP through KPN.

    3. thank you, hope you return
