Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chaos Theory

Back in the day when I instructed self-defense the same old concept arose, “If someone comes at you like this, what do you do?” The same truth still remains, that will never, ever happen. If only conflicts were like Hollywood fight scenes, professionally choreographed with everything and everybody right where they need to be and a predetermined outcome. If anything can be said about conflictive, volatile situations is that Chaos is the rule. Prepping does not generate a known outcome rather hopefully creates options and/or leverage to perpetuate success. Consider the unexpected things that pop up in any given day in what should be routine with an expected outcome. Now consider the unlimited probability in an unknown event, the unexpected and Murphy’s Law has great potential.

Right now we have the ability to be proactive by preparing but be sure in the moment of  a very bad event we will be forced to be reactive due to the fact that we will go from known to the unknown. When I was an Iron worker in the south I have seen this play out many times in bars and saloons. In the approaching of a conflict the persons involved played out pre-determined levels of personality but as soon as the conflicts become volatile all was chaos and confusion became rule and the outcome was usually a surprise.

Lessons I learned:
Chaos is a given, confusion is an option.
Clever and calm always prevails over raging force.
Never underestimate
Have as many options as possible and keep an open mind to all
Winning is about pride, not losing is about survival
Chaos always exists at some level, be aware when it escalates.


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