Fear in many ways has become part of our society. Job loss, property loss, health, disaster and almost every area of modern. This along with its offspring of stress, anxiety, depression and so on. Fear in all its forms will hinder you in your challenge to prevail. Fear consumes too much energy and produces nothing, it has got to go. We prepare for darker times in that we cannot waste time with fear and when the true challenges of those times are at hand there are many challenges must be quickly analyzed and acted with clear thought, without all “ifs” and” fears” fogging and delaying judgment.
If we think about it, most of the things that have greatly impacted our lives, (good or bad), we never seen them coming. So much energy wasted on fear and expectation. Fear to preppers should be like sin to the pious, at the first sign of it: reject it as evil. Nature hardwired us with fight or flight, well enough save imagination for ingenuity, not fear of things that might be. Do not be a prepper out of emotion, for reason and information will do. That which controls your emotion controls you, make sure you are that which is in control.
Start now being pious about fear and you will be prepared for days to come.
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